
Gone: Episode 12, Home Before Dark (The Disappearance of Beverly Potts)

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In the summer of 1951, Beverly Potts was just 10 years old. When the Showagon came through Cleveland, Ohio in August 1951, she was ecstatic to go there alone and her mother reluctantly agreed- as long as she was home before dark. Beverly assured her that she’d be careful. That became the last promise that she ever made to her mother.

Gone: Episode 11, The Girl Genius Who Vanished (The Story of Barbara Newhall Follett)

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In 1923, Barbara began her most extensive project yet – a complete novel. Finally, in 1926 – after many drafts and a house fire that destroyed one of them – she finished the book. She was only 12 years old. But Barbara’s story had no ending. There was no final chapter because, to this day, no trace of her has ever been found.

Gone: Episode 10, What Happened To Ruth?

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Ruth was last seen on the night of May 4 by some of her Tri-Delta sorority sisters shortly before 11:00 PM. She had just returned to her dorm, Austin Hall, after choir practice and changed into her pajamas. She had her hair in curlers and seemed like her ordinary, happy self. The other girls would later recall that she didn’t seem to be under any kind of strain or stress...but she was never seen again.

Gone: Episode 9, "NEMO 1934": The Disappearance of Everett Ruess

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Everett financed his wanderings by selling prints and paintings, but he never stayed in the same place for long. He once wrote, “There is always an undercurrent of restlessness and wild longing. The wind is in my hair, there is a fire in my heels, and I shall always be a rover, I know.”

According to everything that exists, Everett continued to roam the southwest until the age of 20, when he disappeared for good...

Gone: Episode 8, Into The Sunset With Bitter Bierce (The Story of Author Ambrose Bierce)

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In the early 1900s, Ambrose Bierce was one of the most famous writers in America. He was odd, unusual, eccentric, and often disagreeable, but critics loved his gritty stories of war and adventure. He became one of the most acclaimed writers of the period, although his literary career turned out to be tragically short. Why? Well, you see, Ambrose Bierce, like those literary characters he created, vanished one day without a trace, and his disappearance has never been solved.

Gone: Episode 7, The Boy Who Vanished (Melvin Charles Horst)

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This episode discusses a tragic story of an unsolved mystery that left only a pint bottle of whiskey, a frozen orange, and a very strange story behind.

Gone: Episode 6, Down The River (The Mystery of Glen and Bessie Hyde)

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There’s probably nothing more American than planning a trip to one of America’s National Parks. And nothing more peaceful than disconnecting from the world while you’re there. Hiking, camping, canoeing, rock climbing, exploring nature… all part of the perfect vacation for the outdoor enthusiast.

But what about when it all goes wrong?

Gone: Episode 5, The Mystery of Bobby Dunbar

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On August 23, 1912, a four-year-old boy named Bobby Dunbar vanished while on a fishing trip to Swayze Lake in St. Landry Parish, Louisiana. When Mrs. Lessie Dunbar realized that her son was gone, she contacted the police, who began a massive search for the boy.

Eight months passed before the family’s hopes for Bobby’s return were finally realized —– or at least that’s how it seemed. But no part of this story would turn out to be simple. The boy who returned home was NOT Bobby Dunbar.